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Is Jaworzno smart
in traffic
congestion category?
In 2011, in Jaworzno, steps were taken
to implement Vision Zero. The idea of
Vision Zero was born in Sweden in the
mid-1990s. Its main purpose is to
introduce improvements to reduce the
number of road accident victims to zero
to achieve
this are...
Narrow roads
Narrow roads make it impossible to speed up.
As a result, drivers are slowing down.
On wide roads drivers are less cautious.
The same applies to uneven roads such
as paved roads. Vibration and noise
- that's for the driver: you are not on
the motorway! You are in town - slow down
raised pedestrian crossings
Retardants are located
in front of junctions,
Pedestrian crossings
are raised that cause
drivers slowing down.

Roundabouts in Jaworzno also have affect
on traffic
. In the centre of rounabouts are
situated high hills of soil with high bushes
or other plants
. This is done to reduce
visibility for car drivers. As a result, drivers
are more cautious and slow down.

There are only two Dutch roundabouts in Poland
and both of them are located in Jaworzno.
Future roundabouts in our city will be only
constructed like Dutch ones.
There is
a brand new
car park
in our city
This car park is equipped with an active
parking space counting system.
There are parking spaces with chargers
designated only for electric cars.
And the other one
is under
Galena shopping centre
A4 motorway
passes through
... and there are two applications that you can use
to pay for a toll directly instead of at a toll station.
What needs improvement?
More apps (e.g. for checking free parking spaces)
would certainly be useful. We hope that this will
change in the future.
Presentation by:
Aleksander Jóźwik
Krzysztof Ślęczek

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